Puzzle Games

Puzzle Games

Looking for some puzzle games to keep yourself entertained while challenging your brain? These puzzles will do the work.

Here're some of the finest and amusing puzzles games with amazing graphics that'll keep you and your kids busy figuring out things and solving the mystery.

Puzzle Games, Trivia Quiz

This puzzle will test your pattern-recognising skills. Let’s see if you can guess the correct top view of the tower.

This puzzle will test your pattern-recognising skills. Let’s see if you can guess the correct top view of the tower.

Answer:D. First, look at the reference tower carefully. It has orange on the top, yellow beneath it — but of equal size so won’t be visible from the top, a larger yellow with a slightly larger orange at the bottom. Looking from the aerial view the orange pattern must be prominent followed by a thin yellow and slightly larger orange. That’s the first pattern — D.

Brain Games, Puzzle Games

These five butterflies are trying to reach the flower. Can you guess which one would reach there first? Share your answer in the comments.

These five butterflies are trying to reach the flower. Can you guess which one would reach there first? Share your answer in the comments.


Brain Games, Puzzle Games

Do you think you are as smart as Sherlock Holmes? If you can solve this puzzle, well, then you are.

Do you think you are as smart as Sherlock Holmes? If you can solve this puzzle, well, then you are.

Answer:Can you be ready at 5